Fake or not? Jimmy Choo bags

One of the waves that has taken more prominence in recent years is that of counterfeiting. Suppliers that manufacture these items take advantage of the ignorance of users to sell them as if they were original : Chanel , Dior , Dolce & Gabbana, Giorgio Armani , Versace or Jimmy Choo are among the most counterfeited brands.
But how do you prevent fool ? There are many factors to consider when buying high-end products . On this occasion , we will discuss how to avoid a falsification of a bag of Jimmy Choo.
1.Check the label: Jimmy Choo bags contain a lilac flat metal plate inside, with leather lining. In addition and as is evident, the brand logo must be legible and well written.
2.We must pay close attention to the inner lining of the bag: always be a lining leather, solid and usually ecru. Fakes usually use fabric or satin. Right away you’ll notice that the quality of the materials is not the same.

3.Look closely at the rack: it must be large, robust and solidity that our bag. When closing a zipper bag felt that sounds hollow or is too light, you’d better let us escape that bag because it is indicating that it is a forgery. Besides closing the bag shall bear the name of the designer recorded.

4.Eye with details of the letters: in the two MM of JIMMY, the first line of each M should be very thin. The sill of the H at CHOO must be horizontal to the top rather than at the center of the letter. The O in CHOO will be oval and not a perfect circle.

5.Last but not least, look for the symmetry of the bag and check the seams because no thread should be left out.

By following these steps you can rest assured that your Next Jimmy Choo bag will be a good purchase.
Take a look at the Jimmy Choo bags we have available on our website ! So you can put into practice what you have learned today.
If you want to know what are the key points who must be taken when purchasing a high-end bag , just write us a comment and we will solve your doubts with a post .
Let enjoy the weekend !